Upcoming Whitepaper: Risk in the age of COVID-19


The concept of risk education and management has always been an important topic in the field of healthcare, and is particularly critical in the age of COVID-19.  In the exam room, discussion of risk is evolving as we learn more about the underlying characteristics of this virus and disease, which provides opportunity to educate patients on their personal state of risk (i.e. underlying comorbidities, treatments used) and risk events (e.g. social distancing and wearing masks in public).



“Am I on more risk, or less risk, or… where do I stand?” – Osteoporosis exam room conversation

Verilogue is exploring how this dynamic is unfolding in the exam room, comparing HCP-PT conversations collected early in the pandemic against more recent conversations, to understand how discussion of risk is being defined at the point of care, and how, if at all, physicians are distinguishing between risk of exposure/contracting COVID-19 versus risk of complications/severe disease with COVID-19.



“You should have called me about the Humira before you stopped it yourself…” – Psoriatic Arthritis exam room conversation

Our research team will be sharing a whitepaper later this month containing the detailed findings from this analysis, with the goal of providing provide unique insight into the current risk education dynamic, and where opportunities may exist for clearer communication.



“You are at high risk of contracting the virus because you are immunocompromised…but luckily there have been no red flags about people that get virus necessarily doing more poorly on these medications” – Uveitis exam room conversation

We hope that this information will be valuable for your own communication initiatives, and please let us know if you have any specific questions that we can explore as part of this analysis.

Best of health,


