Terms and Conditions


In the course of your use of this website, you will be presented with information and materials of a confidential and/or proprietary nature (“Confidential Information”). By your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement (“these terms and conditions”), you agree to hold all Confidential Information in confidence and not to disclose such Confidential Information to any person or entity (including without limitation any of your colleagues or any market research or pharmaceutical company). You further agree to use Confidential Information only for the purposes for which it was disclosed to you (i.e., to educate you or to form the basis for providing your views and opinions to Verilogue, Inc (“Verilogue”)) and not to use Confidential Information for the benefit of yourself or any other person or entity other than Verilogue. For your information, all research instruments or data made available to you on the website of Verilogue are Confidential Information and, unless otherwise noted on the website, all educational or promotional materials presented to you on the website of Verilogue are Confidential Information. Other information and materials may also be Confidential Information if they are identified as such. Your obligations to maintain Confidential Information in confidence and not to disclose or use Confidential Information shall not apply to any information or materials that are generally known to the public at the time of disclosure to you or become generally known to the public through no fault or wrongful act on your part. Each time you use the website of Verilogue you are confirming your agreement to these terms of Confidentiality and all other of these terms and conditions.

Scope of Use and Copies

Verilogue invites you to view and use this website for your personal, informational, non-commercial use. Except as otherwise expressly provided in these terms and conditions, no part of the layout or design (including design elements and any trademarks or logos) nor any content or software on this website may be printed, copied, reproduced, modified, downloaded or stored for any purpose, nor may it be transmitted (in electronic or other form) or distributed for any purpose. You may only download software applications (such as document viewers) that are posted on this website expressly for you to download, and you may use such software only in accordance with the terms of use, including any license terms, provided with it. You may only download or print content that Verilogue expressly and specifically notes on this website should be downloaded or printed by you, and you may use such content only in accordance with these terms and conditions and any other terms of use, including any license terms, provided with it.

Website Monitoring

Use of this website may be monitored, tracked and recorded. Verilogue automatically receives information from your web browser to see which page(s) you visit within our site, which site you visited before coming to ours, and where you go after you leave. By using this website, you expressly consent to such monitoring, tracking and recording.

Obligations of Truth and Accuracy

You agree to provide true, accurate and complete registration information, to provide true and accurate responses to surveys or other requests for information, and not to make your username and password available to any person or entity.

No Warranties

Content on this website is provided on an “as is”, “as available” basis without warranty of any kind – either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability. Verilogue makes no warranty as to the reliability, completeness or accuracy of any content on this website; use of this website and available content is at your, the user’s, risk. Verilogue offers no warranties that the use of this website will be error-free or uninterrupted; it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that downloaded content is free of viruses.

Limitation of Liability

Verilogue specifically disclaims any liability for damages arising from or in any way connected to access or use of this website, even if Verilogue has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Verilogue disclaims liability for damages resulting from reliance on content obtained through this website.


Verilogue™ and the Verilogue logo are trademarks of Verilogue. Content on this website also may include the trademarks of other parties. You may not download, print, or copy any trademark on this website. Unauthorized use of any Verilogue or other party trademark, service mark or logo may be a violation of federal and state trademark laws.


This website and all software and content in the website are protected by U.S. and foreign copyright laws. See the sections above titled “Scope of Use and Copies” and “Trademarks” for specific restrictions on your printing, downloading, copying, modifying, reproducing or distributing the software, content, layout, design (including design elements) and trademarks of or on this website.

Internet Content

Verilogue does not own or control the facilities and communications infrastructure that comprise the internet, and is not responsible for nor does it endorse the content, reliability or security of material available on the internet. It is the user’s sole responsibility to determine suitability of content, to establish connectivity and to resolve problems relating to internet usage with appropriate internet service providers.


This website may contain links to websites operated by other parties. The linked sites are not under the control of Verilogue; Verilogue is not responsible for the content available on other websites, does not specifically endorse material or content on any other website and disclaims all liability for your access to linked websites. Links are provided as a convenience to users; your access is at your own risk.


The Verilogue website is operated from offices in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA. Verilogue makes no claim that the information on the website is appropriate or available for use in other locations; access to the Verilogue website from other locations is at the user’s own initiative and risk. These terms and any claims relating to this website shall be governed by and in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Employment Opportunities

Verilogue is an equal opportunity employer; applicants are considered for all positions without regard to race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, and disability (so long as such disability can be reasonably accommodated) or any other status protected by applicable law.

Email Transmissions

Email transmission over the internet may not be secure; users should exercise appropriate caution prior to emailing personal or confidential information.

No Medical or Professional Services or Advice

This Verilogue website and the material and content on this website are intended to be general information resources, and the website and its material and content are provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis as noted elsewhere in these terms and conditions. Verilogue is not engaged in rendering medical or other professional services or advice; this website and the material and content on this website in no way is intended to replace appropriate medical resources or opinion. Publication of content on this website does not constitute an endorsement by Verilogue of the views, recommendations or application of medical information suggested by the author of the content.


Verilogue reserves the right to modify this website, its material and content, the products and services distributed on this website, and the rules and regulations governing its or their use, including these terms and conditions, at any time. Modifications will be posted on the website — users are deemed to be apprised of and bound by any changes to the website from and after their posting.


The business of Verilogue is built upon confidence and trust. These terms and conditions are important elements of that confidence and trust. Therefore, Verilogue must take any violation of these terms and conditions very seriously. Verilogue reserves the right to seek all remedies available under law for violations of these terms and conditions and any other rules and regulations with respect to this website. If you violate any of these terms and conditions or such other rules and regulations, or Verilogue has reasonable grounds to suspect a violation, Verilogue reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any or all current or future use of this website or any other website operated by Verilogue (or any portion(s) thereof). Such suspension or termination may include the blocking of access from a particular internet address to this website or any other website operated by Verilogue. Any violations of law may be referred to the appropriate authorities. You agree that the terms set forth above under the headings “Confidentiality”, “Scope of Use and Copies”, “Trademarks” and “Copyright” are necessary for the protection of the business and goodwill of Verilogue and are reasonable for such purpose. You agree that any breach of such terms will cause Verilogue substantial and irreparable harm and, therefore, in the event of any such breach, in addition to other remedies which may be available, Verilogue shall have the right to specific performance and other injunctive and equitable relief.

Security and Privacy Policy

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user name and password, and you are responsible for all uses of your user name or password, and any and all related transactions, whether or not authorized by you. You may not share your user name and password with anyone else or otherwise permit anyone to access this website using your personal or professional information. You should also review the Privacy Policy of Verilogue (https://www.verilogue.com/privacy-policy) which may give you additional rights and may impose additional obligations on you in connection with your use of this website. Your use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the provisions of the Privacy Policy.