• Trends in Oncology: Metaphor Basics

    Trends in Oncology: Metaphor Basics

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The treatment discussion as a whole has been impacted by the launch of new classes of treatment and new products over the past year. One third (10/30) of newly approved molecules in the European Union in 2016 were drugs for use in oncology. As we continue our look at trends across Verilogue’s conversation database, one…

  • Trends in Oncology: Conversation “Vital Signs”

    Trends in Oncology: Conversation “Vital Signs”

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As we convened with our global oncology colleagues and look toward the future of cancer research at ASCO 2017, Verilogue analysts have taken a last look at 2016 to see how two basic conversation “vital signs” have evolved in the European (and UK) oncology visit.